What Are the Differences Between Highly Sensitive People and Empaths?

Highly sensitive people and empaths often get used interchangeably at a very general level. Both are linked to feelings and emotions but are in fact very different traits.

Here we’ll explore some of the differences between highly sensitive people and empaths. But first, let’s look at a general overview of what each of them is.

What Does it Mean to Be Highly Sensitive?

Being considered a highly sensitive person occurs in roughly 15%-20% of the population. When you have this trait, you tend to experience the world around you more intensely. It causes a variation in how your nervous system processes information and stimuli.

You’re more aware of social cues. You excel in deep thinking and problem-solving. You’re more detail-oriented. You also may take longer to recharge after social settings and experience some level of social anxiety.

It’s worth noting that being a highly sensitive person is not considered to be a disorder or condition that needs to be fixed. What is important is that there is an understanding and awareness of it.

What Does it Mean to Be an Empath?

Being an empath, on the other hand, also causes you to have intense experiences. The difference is that those experiences are linked to the emotions and energy of other people. This is how you form connections, through sharing feelings and empathizing with their experience.

You’re a compassionate person, which is great for caregiving roles. You may also suffer from anxiety and burnout from being overly tuned in to others.

Many consider this to be a blessing and a curse. On one level, you are able to connect in a deeper way with others. On the flip side, you bear a lot of external emotional energy that can be quite exhausting.

Sensory Processing Differences

Highly sensitive people tend to be very sensitive to physical and external stimuli. You may be easily overwhelmed and sensitive to loud sounds, bright lights, sudden environmental changes, or busy social scenes. Your body may also process pain differently, react to medications more sensitively, and respond to stimulants more intensely.

Empaths are also affected by an altered sensory processing system because theirs is often more closely tied to the emotional state of others. For example, if a friend is experiencing a negative emotional state, you may also find yourself in a negative headspace. Your sensory system isn’t as often affected by the environment and inputs.

Differences in Emotional Responses

As a highly sensitive person, you may experience stronger emotional responses to artwork, music, books, and other media forms. Similarly, you may find that receiving feedback, whether positive or negative, will elicit a strong emotional response. You’re probably someone who cries more often than your friends and family. Whatever the emotional response you’re having, it can be closely tied to your inner thoughts and feelings.

As an empath, your emotional response differences come from taking on the emotional burden of others. Whatever they’re feeling, you’re likely to be feeling yourself to some capacity. When their emotions are high, you take on that same level yourself.

Differences in Self-Awareness

If you’re a highly sensitive person, you are more likely to spend time reflecting on your experiences. You’re no stranger to analyzing a situation and acknowledging what you felt and how you responded.

Another point of difference for empaths is this level of awareness. When you’re an empath, you’re really good at reading others and feeling what they’re experiencing. But this doesn’t always translate to being fully aware of your own feelings. You’re so focused and tuned in to those around you that you indirectly place yourself on the back burner.

How Do Each Cope?

Highly sensitive people are generally good at avoiding scenarios that lead to burnout. Coping mechanisms include taking breaks, practicing mindfulness, and avoiding things that can be overstimulating.

Empaths may struggle a bit to establish boundaries and protect themselves from stress and strain.

Both highly sensitive people and empaths may feel overwhelmed at times, but this can be well-managed with the right tools. Therapy is a great mechanism for taking control of any negative traits linked with either of them. Not knowing about this may have made you anxious, feel free to read more about anxiety treatment. If you feel you’ve gotten some clarity in either direction based on the above information, contact me to explore your options.