Anxiety Treatment

Is There A Connection Between Chronic Pain And Anxiety?

Is There A Connection Between Chronic Pain And Anxiety?

Anxiety disorders are the most common mental health conditions on the planet. It’s said that as many as 70 percent of visits to general practitioners are related to stress and anxiety. How many more folks are in this struggle but have not been diagnosed? This is possible because anxiety symptoms cover a lot of ground. They can be overlooked or blamed on other issues. 

Can Anxiety Create False Memories or Cause Misconceptions of the Past?

Can Anxiety Create False Memories or Cause Misconceptions of the Past?

Everyone can relate to feeling scatterbrained in times of stress. When anxiety is present, you may misplace your keys or forget where you parked your car. If scenarios like this are uncommon and have an obvious cause, they’re rarely cause for concern. However, people dealing with an anxiety disorder can struggle with chronic memory issues. 

Why does Anxiety Feel Worse at Night?

Why does Anxiety Feel Worse at Night?

Anxiety feels bad at any time. It can be an all-consuming feeling of dread, worry, and fear. You may find yourself distracted from handling basic daily tasks and obligations. Your hands shake, your voice trembles, and your stomach feels like it’s been tied into a knot. As tricky as all this can be, nighttime anxiety can amplify stress in some frustrating ways. 

What Is Codependency and Who Does It Impact?

What Is Codependency and Who Does It Impact?

The concept of codependency was long associated with addiction but it covers a lot more ground than that. In fact, it is more often used today to explore the dynamics of dysfunctional, one-sided relationships. Such patterns usually involve boundary issues. A codependent couple is made up of two partners who seem to have lost track of the line that separates them. 

4 Tips To Prepare For Your Upcoming Retirement

4 Tips To Prepare For Your Upcoming Retirement

If we were to believe in pop culture, we’d trust that retirement is a stress-free paradise. In reality, like any of life’s major transitions, it is a mixed bag of obstacles and revelations. “Stress-free” is not a realistic appraisal of any period in our life. Someone who is about to retire may have genuine concerns about adjusting to “free time” and a loss of identity. 

What Is The Connection Between Chronic Pain And Anxiety?

What Is The Connection Between Chronic Pain And Anxiety?

Ask someone to describe anxiety symptoms. You’ll probably hear plenty about sweaty palms, shaky voices, and racing heartbeats. Probably the only aches that stand a chance of being mentioned is a headache. In reality, chronic pain is a common indicator of an anxiety disorder. It can range from unexplained tension and pain to diseases like fibromyalgia or arthritis.

Anxious About Retiring? 4 Tips For Preparing For This Next Chapter

Anxious About Retiring? 4 Tips For Preparing For This Next Chapter

You can’t be anxious. These are your golden years, right? Ideally, we’d treat all of our years as golden but retirement does have a unique status in modern society. You’ve paid your dues and now come the rewards. No more daily grind. You’ll have more time than ever before and with that, an opportunity to try out ideas, hobbies, and pursuits that were previously put on hold. So… why does it all feel so stressful? 

3 Tips To Reduce Anxiety Naturally

3 Tips To Reduce Anxiety Naturally

Anxiety has a bad reputation. To most people, that word evokes images of stress, worry, fear, and dread. In reality, it’s a normal and inevitable emotion that can be mighty helpful. Anxiety is our body’s alarm system. It has the potential to warn and protect you. However, when you feel anxious too often — when danger is not present — it can turn into an unhealthy cycle.

What is OCD and How to Deal With It

What is OCD and How to Deal With It

It should come as no surprise that a condition called Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD) involves a cycle of obsessions and compulsions. The key word is “cycle.” Each of us, from time to time, has obsessive thoughts or compulsive behaviors. They can be unpleasant and feel intrusive. But, with OCD, they are disruptive. The obsessions and compulsions are extreme enough to hamper daily functioning.

What are the Differences Between an HSP and an Empath?

What are the Differences Between an HSP and an Empath?

All of us have moods, temperaments, and personalities. Each of these is subject to change — although making personality changes is a large undertaking. Beneath these individual trends lies something more fundamental. People may use words like “soul” or “heart” to describe it. It’s sort of an internal compass that shapes your thoughts, beliefs, emotions, and behaviors.

How Can Therapy Help a Highly Sensitive Person?

How Can Therapy Help a Highly Sensitive Person?

Obviously, “sensitive” is often in the eye of the beholder. Everyone has times when they feel more susceptible to the temperature, noise, textures, and general vibrations in their environment. This is frustrating but normal. Almost always, it passes rather quickly. However, the existence of a Highly Sensitive Person (HSP) is also a psychological concept.