It’s hard to imagine, but there is such a thing as too much positivity. It sounds weird, doesn’t it? After all, being positive has a powerful way of turning our lives around. However, there comes a time when too much positivity can be extremely toxic. Toxic to ourselves as well as our anxiety.
What is EMDR and How It Can Help You
The Toll Trauma Has On Your Body
Is EMDR Right For You?
After the past 18 months, more people than ever are experiencing mental health issues. With more twists and turns looming, there’s a demand for flexible, proven approaches. But how can you know what treatment to consider? Is there something out there that works but perhaps remains a little under the radar?
Physical Symptoms of Trauma You Might Not Know About
Not long ago, trauma was a mysterious concept. It was not something discussed in casual conversation. For a wide variety of reasons, trauma is no longer taboo. We each understand more about the topic. From sexual assault to battlefield experiences and beyond — more people comprehend the reality of Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD).
How Trauma is Affecting Your Brain
The Highly Sensitive Person and it's Connection to Anxiety
How an Insecure Attachment Can Create Anxiety
Healing From Childhood Trauma
Letting Go Of The Past
3 Tips To Take Control Over Your Anxiety
How Christians Can Grow Through Trauma
Illness and Injury as Trauma
4 tips to cope with anxiety after a break-up
Counseling is for Christians
Why Anxiety Strikes at Night
Different kinds of trauma and PTSD
People are talking more and more about trauma and Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD). You’d think that in an age where most of us can get the food we need, and most of us have adequate (if not luxurious) housing, plus we can get a good education and earn a decent living, that there wouldn’t be much need to talk of trauma. Right?
Anxiety and Depression: can you have both at the same time?
It seems to be an oxymoron to say that people can be both anxious and depressed, yet it happens regularly. There is a circular action to it, both in the physical response and the emotional response ~ the physical response goes something like this: you get anxious and wound up, your heart beats faster, maybe your breathing speeds up and drains your body of energy.
How to handle COVID-19
The truth is that every few years a new virus comes along and scares us all because we don’t know what it is, or how it will affect us. This year it’s COVID-19, in 2009 it was the swine flu, in 2016 we feared the Zika virus. Those diseases have come and gone, and we have survived and even thrived since then. Taking the long view about this will help you through this one.