Physical Symptoms of Trauma You Might Not Know About

Physical Symptoms of Trauma You Might Not Know About

Not long ago, trauma was a mysterious concept. It was not something discussed in casual conversation. For a wide variety of reasons, trauma is no longer taboo. We each understand more about the topic. From sexual assault to battlefield experiences and beyond — more people comprehend the reality of Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD).

Anxiety and Depression: can you have both at the same time?

Anxiety and Depression: can you have both at the same time?

It seems to be an oxymoron to say that people can be both anxious and depressed, yet it happens regularly. There is a circular action to it, both in the physical response and the emotional response ~ the physical response goes something like this: you get anxious and wound up, your heart beats faster, maybe your breathing speeds up and drains your body of energy.